In a world where vampires and demons real, two agencies work to keep the world safe from the forces of darkness. Demon Eradication And Denial (DEAD LLC) is a corporate entity that employs and trains demon slayers. Living Corpses that Bite (LC&B) is a tax-exempt public entity that relies on time-proven traditions to keep humanity safe from vampires. When vampires learn to use magic, they become more than just a nightly threat. For the first time, DEAD LLC and LC&B will have to join forces. For the first time since their bitter break up, Alex Priest and Janelle Garcia will have to face one another – or risk an apocalypse. No pressure.
Creator(s): Jordaan Arledge (writer), Scott Malin (artist), Natalie Cooper (editor), Chase LeFors (graphic design), Jenn St-Onge (cover artist)
Audience: Teen+
Format: 28 pgs, B&W
Trim size: 6.625" x 10.25"